Posts in: 2022s

I don’t know why I have to keep saying this, signing IN to your website is not permission to sign UP for your newsletter.

If you’re an online thing and you do this: shame. Stop it.

96F. Partly cloudy.

Side wall siding complete. Rear soffits complete.

95F. Partly cloudy.

Side wall siding partially complete.

100F. Partly cloudy.

Brick molding installed around doors. Siding on rear wall + beginning on side walls.

97F. Clear.

Front aesthetic walls framed.

92F. Clear.

Remaining french door installed.

87F. Mostly cloudy.

Remaining window installed (unpictured). One of two french doors installed.

94F. Clear.

Building paper has been removed from door entrances. A window has been installed.

Tyvek cut back. One of two windows installed & flashed.

94F. Clear.

Structure covered in building paper

House wrap is on.

Bones had a photo shoot and went full festival girl. No notes. 💕