Posts in: Gratitude

Today I am grateful for flour tortillas.

Today I am grateful for finding the confidence and courage to approach a group of folks talking, introduce myself, and join the conversation. There is a big, introverted, part of me that would rather be quiet in the corner but I do my best to fight him. 😊

Today I am grateful for Texas winters. I’m fixin’ to go on a walk and it’s a pleasant high 50s outside. No shoveling. No frozen face. Love you Texas. Never change.

Today I am grateful for P. Terry’s burgers. They’re literally the best. Don’t @ me.

Today I am grateful for video games that tell compelling stories.

Today I am grateful for a culture that is beginning to understand, accept, and accommodate anxiety without stigma. It has helped me understand myself and many people I care about. Plenty of work yet to do but progress is always uplifting. 🤟🏼

Today I am grateful for my dogs who are 11 and 12 years old and both still in very good health and spirit.

Today I am grateful for a body that hasn’t given out on me yet, despite how hard I am on it. I promise to treat you better bud, if you let me keep my original knees.

Today I am grateful for the luxury of being able to take a sailboat out and just chill on the water for a few hours. That is, until a regatta shows up out of nowhere and chaos ensues… 😅

Today I am grateful for a few days off work where I can focus on some house projects. Do some chores, wash some laundry, fix the car…. oh my god when did I get so old and boring? 🤣